We discuss the impact on the region, including The Bahamas, of ‘performing masculinities’ in Jamaican music and popular culture. “Performing Masculinities: Romantic Gender Revolutions in Jamaican Popular Culture” is the topic for the annual Anatol Rodgers Memorial Lecture Series, Thursday, November 8, at the Performing Arts Centre at the College of The Bahamas.
Dr. Toni Francis, Assistant Professor in the School of English Studies, gives us a preview of the presentation from special guest speaker, Dr. Michael Bucknor, English lecturer at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica.
Also, Levette Dames, Ph.D. candidate at University of South Florida, is seeking participants for a research study regarding career thoughts, optimism, and spirituality in women who have survived or have been diagnosed with breast cancer for one year and more.
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