We get the latest on the upcoming Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival, slated for May 2015. Dr. Ann Higgins, Bahamas Festival Commission, gives us details about the “Road Fever Costume Expo”, Saturday, September 27. At this event at the Melia Resort, everyone will get to meet and join the “Road Fever Companies”, and view and choose their various costume designs. We also meet representatives from three of the 30-plus Road Fever Companies, and talk about their plans for the festival. Pictured left to right: Morning Blend Host Dwight Strachan; Dr. Ann Higgins, Bah. Festival Commission; Janay Lesley, Eden Carnival Group edencarnival.com; Nelson Armaly, Vibes; Lynette Nixon, Indigenous Band; Morning Blend Co-Host Pamela Musgrove.
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