November 11, 2014:November is “Road Safety Month” in The Bahamas; this year’s theme is “Pay Attention, Driving is a Full-time Job”. We discuss some of the major issues of concern, including texting and (cell-phone) talking while driving, drunk driving and speeding.
We also discuss some of the most problematic traffic areas in New Providence, and some of the most frequently violated road rules. Plus we get a preview of the major revisions proposed for the Road Traffic Act.
Our guests: Ross Smith, Road Traffic Controller; Assistant Supt. of Police Harry Williams, Police Traffic Division; and Sterling Moss, Senior Examiner, Road Traffic Dept.
Be sure to follow Dwight on twitter @MorningBlend969 and check out our new Facebook page! Also contact us via email at and call in to the studio 323-6232 | 323-8160.
Remembering #MylesMunroe and the victims of Sunday’s tragic plane crash on #MorningBlend and on #GuardianTalkRadio.
(Photo from Dr. Munroe’s last appearance on Morning Blend on January 24, 2013)
Be sure to follow Dwight on twitter @MorningBlend969 and check out our new Facebook page! Also contact us via email at and call in to the studio 323-6232 | 323-8160.