“Inside the Inner City” is hosted by Valentino “Scrooge” Brown, reformed gangster and former leader of the 1980/90’s street gang “The Border Boys”. It is a weekly program focusing on social issues affecting “urban” communities in New Providence, as well as the history and concerns of residents in those areas.
To listen to recorded audios of GTR Shows click on link below:
The Revolution seeks to inform and engage and electorate that has become jaded by decades of lackluster political performance as our country’s problems get worse in the face of administrations that have left far too many honest, hardworking Bahamians behind.
To listen to recorded audios of GTR Shows click on link below:
Ministry of Works officials discuss the drainage system in New Providence, and the concerns about potential flooding as a result of Tropical Storm Erika. Engineers Dexter Williams and Bradley King talk about the challenges maintaining the drains on the island, and what residents can do to help.
We also get the latest projected track for Erika from Arnold King with the Department of Meteorology.
Caroline Turnquest with the Bahamas Red Cross discusses the organization’s needs at this point ahead of the storm, and what may be needed afterward. She’s also encouraging residents to install the Bahamas Red Cross Hazards app for Android and Apple devices. To make donations or to volunteer with the Bahamas Red Cross, call 323-7370.
Be sure to follow Dwight on twitter @MorningBlend969 and check out our new Facebook page! http://facebook.com/MorningBlend969 Also contact us via email at morningblend@nasguard.com and call in to the studio 325 4316, 325 4259 or 323 6232 .
To listen to recorded audios of GTR Shows click on link below:
The Revolution seeks to inform and engage and electorate that has become jaded by decades of lackluster political performance as our country’s problems get worse in the face of administrations that have left far too many honest, hardworking Bahamians behind.
To listen to recorded audio of GTR Shows click on link below:
Meteorologist, Historian and Author Wayne Neely gives us the latest on TS Erika. We also get an historical perspective on the impact of tropical storms here in The Bahamas.
Neely says Erika could bring as much as 8 inches of rain to the Bahamas, and that there could be serious flooding on top of already saturated conditions.
Be sure to follow Dwight on twitter @MorningBlend969 and check out our new Facebook page! http://facebook.com/MorningBlend969 Also contact us via email at morningblend@nasguard.com and call in to the studio 325 4316, 325 4259 or 323 6232 .
To listen to recorded audio of GTR Shows click on link below: