Distinguished Toastmasters Leonardo Burrows, Division I, Asst. Governor, Marketing/ Membership, and Andrew Albury, Immediate Past Division I Governor, talk about Toastmasters in the Bahamas and internationally. The nearly 90-year old organization – with clubs in 122 countries – has been in the Bahamas for about 50 years, and teaches public speaking and leadership skills. For more information log on to www.toastmasters.org
With more PLP MPs saying they can’t support the discriminatory aspects of the proposed Gaming Bill, and the surprise announcement of the delay in the start of debate on the legislation, listeners share their views on what they believe is really going on here. Many of them are calling for the government to deal with all aspects of gambling in the country – casino, lottery and numbers gaming – once and for all.
We also discuss the breaking news about an early morning triple shooting/double homicide. And news that the Teachers Union is now on a work-to-rule.
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